The Book....
HERRING ISLAND Environmental Sculpture Park
with an introduction by Maudie Palmer and photographs by John Gollings
'The Herring Island Project emerges as a potential trust fund for the human condition. Here the human condition can be massaged in the knowledge that collaborations between the artists, landscapers, environmentalists and volunteers have culminated in a strong reminder of the frailty and tension between our built and natural environment.'
The project to which Bill Gregory refers in his Foreword to the Herring Island Book is the creation of the Herring Island Environmental Sculpture Park, initiated by Parks Victoria and Curator Maudie Palmer. Thanks to the enthusiastic response of Clifford Hocking, Artistic Director of the 1997 Melbourne Festival, the inaugural exhibition of permanent work on the island was the 1997 Festival's main visual arts event. The permanent works made of natural materials, together with the stunning newly renovated Herring Island Gallery designed by architect Gregory Burgess and generously supported by the Sidney Myer Fund and Baillieu Myer and the charming native wildgarden designed and implemented by horticulturalist lain Shears, were photographed in 1997 by renowned photographer John Gollings. The artists Julie Collins, John Davis, And B>
Published by RMIT University
Designed by Actual Size
With a foreword by Bill Gregory and an Introduction by Maudie Palmer, featuring interviews with Gregory Burgess, lain Shears, Julie Collins, John Davis, Andy Goldsworthy, Robert Jacks, Ellen José and Jill Peck.
30 pages including 16 colour plates
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