This Management Plan for Herring Island is approved for implementation. It contains a summary of the Island's resources, management objectives and detailed management strategies and actions. its purpose is to direct all aspects of management on the Island until such time as the Plan is reviewed.

A Draft Management Plan for Herring Island was released in July 1990. A total of 43 comments were received. These submissions, together with other comments. raised in meetings and discussions with interested parties, have been carefully considered in the preparation of the final Management Plan. This Plan was prepared by Mary Appleby, a Project Planner for the Department of Conservation and Environment, in conjunction with the Herring Island Committee of Management.

Copies of this Plan can be obtained from:

The Regional Manager,
Department of Conservation and Environment Melbourne Region, P.O. Box 300
East Melbourne 3002 (03) 651 3038

Department of Conservation and Environment Information Centre, 240 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne 3002 (03) 412 4158

For further information on this Plan, please contact Melbourne Region, DCE (03) 651 3038

Copyright. Department of Conservation and Environment, Victoria, 1990.

ISBN: 0 7241 9845 8

Cover: River Red Gum, Herring Island.